Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hoorah for Boise Street Style!!

I have mentioned Thomas Lea's blog, Boise Style, several times between my two blogs. I love getting inspiration from fellow Boiseans by checking the blog. So, when a classmate emailed me last night with a link to a CNN interview with Tom, and slide show of his work, I was beyond excited! It is great to see this part of Boise and Idaho recognized on a national scale.

Plus, yours truly appears in the slide show. Tom and I took the photo last November. It is the sixth one.

Check out the article here. Also, take a look at Boise Style here.


Shybiker said...

Yay!! You look great!!

You know you're a fashion-icon when a major national news network displays you to the world. Wow!

Now that you're a celebrity, Francy, I think you should get a catchy name for your media appearances. Hmm... Lady Fa-Fa?

Lacey Christine said...

You look beautiful Francy! Congrats on a great picture! You make every picture great!