Friday, November 18, 2011

Natalie Wood's Death: Case Re-opened

I feel I should report this rather HUGE classic film news. Natalie Wood who, is one of my favorite actresses, just made headlines! The case of her death has just been re-opened after thirty years. I heard rumors of this happening, but never thought it would become official. Her death has been well-documented, and is a rather complicated story, so Google it if you're not familiar. Here, also, is the article from The New York Times.

Natalie Wood's Death is Being Re-investigated


Shybiker said...

I read that and other articles today on the subject, then went to IMDB for detailed histories of Natalie and her husband Robert Wagner.

Did you know Natalie turned down roles in "The Graduate" and "Love Story"?

The story about her drowning always seemed fishy to me. She had a deadly fear of the water, from almost drowning when she was a child, so I disbelieve the common explanation for her death. I'm eager to hear a better, truer story.

Artman2112 said...

i read about this too, yes it will be very interesting to see what facts they hve uncovered. i agree with Shybiker, her well known fear of water makes the current explanation of her death highly suspect. i remember when she died and the tasteless joke about her started making the rounds. people can be such douches sometimes.