Saturday, September 10, 2011

Minneapolis Recap

Instead of a movie post, I thought I would share some photos of my apartment and other objects I have liked in Minneapolis so far. Some of them relate to movies ;-D I apologize a couple are not great. I snapped them super fast!

The "Italian Cinema" wall in my place. Posters like La Strada, La Dolce Vita, and others hang here. I clipped them from a 2005 calendar I bought in Napa Valley, and never used.

A fountain in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Being there reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.

 My chair-crush, also in my place.

Vanilla latte from Spyhouse Coffee. This place reminds me of The Flying M, a trendy Boise coffee shop. 

A copy of an out-of-print screenplay F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote. Has anyone seen the picture? I thought the screenplay was melodrama all over, but I am still interested in the final product.

A cute orange vase!


Lacey Christine said...

That coffee looks amazing! Oh and I love everything you've done with your place! Looks great!

Clara Turbay said...

I like so much this blog. I hope you can check out mine.