Monday, April 18, 2011

What I'm into ...

~What I'm into:

~The new Jane Eyre film. Have you seen it yet? I loved it! It is just as wonderful as the 1943 version with Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine, and the 1980s miniseries with Timothy Dalton. The more films I watch Mia Wasikowska in, the more I like her. I am not sure why, she just appeals to me. Michael Fassbender, on the other hand, gives off the clear dreamy vibe.

~The return of sunshine

~Mad Men, Season 4. Amazon sent me my DVD last week! Oh, Don, Don, Don ...

~The hunt for my new Tennessee Williams book. Every summer, I read "new" works of his for me. It seems harder to find this year.

~F. Scott Fitzgerald moves! Yay!


Tom said...

I'm with you on the new Jane Eyre movie; I was not disappointed with it.

Shybiker said...

I haven't seen the JE film; thanks for the recommendation.

I loved the fourth season of MM. It ends with a huge surprise you don't see coming.

tess said...

Mad Men is already out on DVD!? Yes! Definitely asking for that for my birthday.