Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gone, baby, gone

Last fall, I started to miss my short hair. During high school, I took a lot of fashion risks. Sometimes I think about those years, and cannot believe all the crazy outfits I wore, especially since I went to a private high school. There, despite a "restrictive" dress code, I spent four years changing my hair color, wearing vintage prom dress dresses, and six-inch heels without once receiving a dress code violation. 

Anyway, I believe my most outrageous fashion choice came right before my Senior prom when, inspired by Natalie Portman's V for Vendetta look, I shaved off most of my hair. I guess it's called a "buzz cut," but I pretty much had nothing up there. I remember a few girls commenting how brave I was to "cut all my hair off," but I found it liberating. I grew it out about another inch, so by the end of summer I had the "Audrey Hepburn look," and kept it that way for the next two years. I found it easy to take care of, and the absence of stringy, messy hair made me feel "grown-up." 

Then I decided I wanted long hair like Lindsay Lohan, and spent the next three years growing it out. Sigh. It finally reached "long," this year, and not only did I have little desire to resemble Lohan, but I could not stand the constant maitanance and nasty shedding. I felt hair was everywhere, and I could not style decently. So, inspired by Carey Mulligan, I decided to take a chance on short hair again. 

It turned out a little shorter than I expected, but I still love it. 



Lacey Christine said...

Love the new look! Can't wait to see it in person Friday when we go see Cinderella at the Morrison Center!

Shybiker said...

I love it! Cary Mulligan is adorable and I'm glad you don't want to imitate Lindsay any more...

BTW, we'd love to see some old photos of those school outfits.

Richae said...

It looks SUPER cute!!! Kinda makes me want to do the short thing again. :)

Brooksie said...

Hello Beautiful! It has been a while since I have stopped by to say hi. What an fabulous new look you have there Francy, I love it!

BaronessVonVintage said...

loooooove it! You're so lucky you can look great blonde or brunette!

emma wallace said...

You look gorgeous! I'm completely opposite of you - I have cut my hair super short a handful of times and every time I feel like crying within a week of the cut!